Heatwave safety tips for your trip to Serbia


Heatwave safety is one of the most important topics every summer. The weather last week in Belgrade was unbearably hot. The sun beat down relentlessly, and the pavement radiated heat. Still, many tourists and locals try to take advantage of the good weather while it lasts.

Thankfully, a cool breeze was blowing in nature and outside of cities, providing some relief from the oppressive heat. In some places, the temperature was not even that high, making for perfect weather for outdoor activities.  Sometimes, being busy with activities makes us disregard some heatwave safety rules. Still, it is essential to know that summer is still at its peak and we want to make sure you have the best time possible.

Heatwave safety tips while traveling

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. You should avoid sugary drinks, though. Too much sugar isn’t good for you, especially in extreme climate conditions. Hydration is key, so drink up!
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that is cool to the touch. Wearing tight clothing to your skin will only make you hot and uncomfortable. Choose clothing that is light in color. Darker colors absorb more heat, making you feel even hotter. Fabrics such as cotton are ideal for hot weather. Another way to stay safe in the sun is to apply sunscreen. Covering up and using sunscreen can help prevent sunburns and skin damage.
  • One way to protect your skin from the sun is to seek shade when you’re outdoors. Spend time in shady areas, and limit your exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Never leave children or pets in a parked car, even for a short time. On a hot day, the inside of a parked car can quickly become an oven, potentially leading to horrible outcomes.
  • Monitor your local news for heat advisories and warnings. Storms with heavy rain and hail are common in Serbia during summers. In that case, seek shelter immediately. They do not last long but they can make significant material damage.
  • Knowing the symptoms of heat-related illness, such as heat stroke, is the key to heatwave safety. Inform yourself what to do if you or someone becomes ill. If you have any medical condition exacerbated by heat, make sure you take your regular therapy.
  • If you can, find a cool, air-conditioned space to stay in during a heatwave. It’ll be much more comfortable, and you’ll be able to avoid the worst of the heat. Trust us – your body will thank you for it!
  • If traveling with pets, check on them frequently to ensure they have access to shade and water. Don’t forget the street animals – they suffer too. If you can, give them water.


Best places to visit during the heatwave

Without any doubt, the best places to be during the heatwave are outside of cities. Serbia might not have a sea, but it has plenty of rivers, lakes, pools, and aqua parks. For example, the Silver lake already got the reputation of being the “Serbian sea”. Bešenovo lake is an absolute hit among locals this summer. If you prefer fewer crowds, then Perućac lake and Zlatar lake will give you much-needed privacy in nature. And if you thought that a landlocked country can’t have beaches – you were wrong! Come and see some of the most beautiful Danube wild beaches or Golubac beach, and see that you do not need an actual sea to feel some beach vibes.

For a more luxurious experience, think about treating your body and soul in resorts such as Zdrelo Spa. The new wellness center has everything you need for absolute comfort. Sauna, salt room, steam bath, and of course, pools are at your disposal. Pleasant masseuses, therapists, and cosmeticians will be more than happy to take care of your wellness and health. You can even spend a night or two within the complex, as they provide the full board service.


In the city

If you decide to stay in Belgrade – no worries. You can always dip in one of the city’s swimming pools. Or even better, swim in Sava Lake on Ada Ciganlija island, or even swim in the Danube! That’s right, Lido beach is a nice sandy beach on Great War Island. You can reach it from Zemun quay – just walk over the pontoon bridge and you will be in this natural oasis. Please note that facilities are limited and you will not be able to purchase any food or drinks there, so bring them with you.

In case you prefer chilling out in privacy, you can even rent your own villa with a pool! Vila Rose is just some 30 km away from the center of Belgrade and it has everything you need for a pleasant stay, including a pool in a nice outdoor area. You are just a few clicks away from finding your perfect villa for hot summer days.

In Belgrade, we know how to have a good time, regardless of weather and season. We just make sure we follow basic heatwave safety tips, and we easily find a nice place to cool down. What is your favorite place this summer and how are you coping with the heat? We would like to hear from you!


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