The recent state of emergency and the coronavirus epidemic in Serbia hit hard work of many economic activities. One of the most vulnerable is the hospitality industry: Cafes, restaurants, bars, night clubs… Among them are some of the most popular places in Belgrade, which were a second home to many, such as the Freestyler night club, Money night club, Leto night club…
Lockdown and state of emergency in Serbia is over. But the coronavirus epidemic is still here. Things are slowly getting back to normal in many departments. The tourism and hospitality industry as most affected ones will need to wait a bit more.
From 9.may restaurants and cafes got a green light to open their doors. But still many people are desperate for night clubs. Phones for club reservations are red hot. People are calling and trying to get any possible information is there any place with some entertainment program.
Nightlife is one of the things that made Belgrade famous. It leaves the strongest impression on visitors of the Serbian capital. The reason for that is primarily the spirit of the people of Belgrade and the positive atmosphere that makes you feel at home, among friends.
Night clubs might open in the middle of June
There is still no official statement from the government but after public statements from officials and the information we got from Belgrade night club owners, we can conclude that opening of night clubs can happen in the middle of June.
More Than Belgrade team, as always, invite you all to stay responsible. Don’t forget that coronavirus is still out there, and now we need to be more careful than ever. Let’s not lose the game in 90th minute.
We are Belgrade nightlife lovers, founders of legendary VIP nightlife tour. But still, we want to point out that your health and safety and respecting WHO measures should be in the first place in this time of crisis, and once all the conditions are met we will be more than delighted to guide you again around the night clubs in Belgrade.