What to buy in Belgrade and Serbia?


When traveling to a new place, it can be tempting to buy souvenirs for all of your friends and family. However, it is important to remember that not all souvenirs are created equal. In order to get the most out of your purchase and plan what to buy in Belgrade, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

Choosing what to buy in Belgrade

First, try to find something that is unique to the area you are visiting. Mass-produced items can be bought anywhere, but a local specialty will certainly be treasured by your loved ones. Second, consider the durability of the item. A fragile keepsake may not make it home in one piece, but a sturdier item will last longer and serve as a better reminder of your trip. Finally, think about whether the item will have meaning for you in the future. A souvenir that holds personal value will be cherished for years to come, while a cheap trinket will quickly be forgotten. With these factors in mind, you can be sure to choose a souvenir that will definitely be out of ordinary.

If you are looking for something unique to buy in Belgrade or Serbia, here are some ideas.

Traditional Serbian souvenirs

Visitors can buy them at many different places around the city, including souvenir shops and carts in Kalemegdan Park. Traditional Serbian souvenirs include items such as embroidered towels, tablecloths and shirts, carved wooden figurines, and copper or brassware. Serbian Orthodox crosses and icons make for beautiful gifts, as do hand-painted eggs.

Serbian socks are hand-knitted from natural wool and are available in many different designs. The most popular ones have a floral or geometric pattern. Those socks are not only known for their beautiful designs, but also for their quality. They are made from 100% natural wool, which makes them very comfortable to wear and extremely durable. In addition, the wool is treated with a special formula that makes it resistant to dirt and stains. They are an excellent gift for anyone who loves traditional folk art or simply wants a unique and stylish pair of socks.

If you’re looking for a more unique Serbian souvenir, consider buying some local art. There are many galleries and studios around Belgrade where you can find paintings, sculptures, and other pieces by Serbian artists. These beautiful and memorable gifts, will surely be appreciated by anyone who receives them.


Serbian music and books

There are a number of different places where you can buy Serbian music, including at CD shops and bookstores. Even tough everything is available online today, CDs still have certain charm and make a perfect gift as well. Serbian music includes a mix of traditional folk music and modern pop and rock. So, we warn you – it will be hard to choose!

If you are looking for something to read about Serbia or learn more about the country and its people, then picking up a few Serbian books is a great idea. You can find them at many bookstores in the city, or even on kiosks. You will even be able to find Serbian authors’ books in English. Our recommendation is definitely “The Bridge on the Drina” by Ivo Andrić. . This epic novel tells the story of the bridge in the town of Višegrad, which spans the Drina River between Bosnia and Serbia. The bridge is a symbol of the town and its people, who have lived through centuries of conflict. Andrić received a Nobel Prize for literature, for this the story of the bridge and its history, but people as well, from the time bridge construction in 15th century, to the present day.


Traditional food to buy in Belgrade

It is common for people to want to bring back a taste of their experience with them. That’s right, food can also make for an excellent souvenir. Not only does it provide a reminder of the flavors and smells of the place you visited, but you can also share it with friends and family. Of course, not all foods are suitable for travel. Perishable items like fresh fruit or dairy products are best left at home. However, there are plenty of other options that make for excellent souvenirs, such as chocolate, candies, jam or ajvar. You will never get wrong with Bananica or hand-made raspberry jam.

So next time you’re looking for a way to remember your travels, consider buying some Serbian food as a souvenir. Keep in mind that food items must meet import requirements when bringing them back into your home country.



Rakia is without any doubt, our most famous drink. It is a strong alcoholic beverage, and a type of plum brandy that is produced in Serbia. Rakia is made of fermented fruit juices and typically contains between 40% and 60% alcohol by volume. It is most commonly made from grapes, but can also be made from other fruits such as plums, apricots, apples or pears. The fruit is first crushed and then fermented in order to produce the alcohol. After fermentation, the alcohol is distilled in order to achieve a high proof.

We are sure that you will taste it when you come, and hospitable people will serve it to you as an act of welcome. But, rakia is more than just a drink you will taste in country. It makes for a great souvenir as well! Of course, you can find it at many liquor stores in the city and pretty much every supermarket.

If you’re not sure what to get, or just want to browse for ideas, head to one of Belgrade’s many markets. These are great places to find souvenirs, as well as local food, clothes, and other items. The most popular market in Belgrade is the Zeleni Venac market, which is located in the city center. Here, you’ll find everything from fresh produce to handmade jewelry.

Whatever you decide to buy in Belgrade and bring home with you, make sure it’s something that will remind you of your time in Serbia and all the amazing experiences you had here.


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