All those pounds gained during New Year’s and Christmas holidays should be removed already in the spring. Running is an ideal recreation in that case. We highlight the paths that, in our opinion, are best for running in the capital of Serbia.
The entire Košutnjak is strewn with earthy trails, and the central place occupies a trim path that is located next to the Prince Duke of Viseslav. Beginning of the 1200 m long course is across the Institute of Sport and Sports of the Republic of Serbia. Every 100 meters, there are exercise machines, and approximately every 800 meters, there is an open-air gym. The whole track is mostly in the shade, and the base is covered with sawdust, which in many places is not enough. By lighting, it is possible to run even when it’s dark.
Sports Center April 11th
The track around the big football field is from slag and is 400 m long. The second path from the white jetty is about 600 m long, and the longest runs along the sports center and is almost 1 km long.
Athletic track at Olimpo has 4 bands with a tartan base. The trails are, depending on the running track, from 250 m to 280 m in length. Olimpo Athletic Track was set up in 2007. There are about twenty exercise machines inside the track. The sports center is illuminated, therefore, it is possible to run in the dark, until the moment of locking the gates.
Hyde Park
The central path leading through the Hyde Park is about 1400 m long. The substrate is earthy, and in some places it is poured with sawdust, for the purpose of depreciation during running. In addition to this, there is a whole network of shorter and narrow paths, so it can run wherever you come to mind. At the beginning of the path, near the Boulevard of Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, trails were set up for exercise. The trails are not illuminated.
Tashmajdan park
In the center of Belgrade there is a trail of tartan, about 500 m in length. Although not illuminated, it can also be used in the dark, as light reaches from the nearby walking paths. Most of the track is in the shade. In addition to this track, in the upper part, there is a plateau with a dozen exercise machines.