The 25th Belgrade Triathlon!



The 25th Belgrade Triathlon is being held at the famous Belgrade promenade Ada today. Four races will be held:

13:00 – Pioneering triathlon: 50m swimming, 2km bicycle and 0.5km running;
13:15 – Short triathlon: 0.2km of swimming, 5km of bicycle and 1km of running;
13:15 – Super sprint: 0.4km of swimming, 10km of bicycle and 2.5km of running;
14:30 – SPRINT triathlon: 0.75km of swimming, 20km of bicycle and 5km of running.
It is swimming in lake water, expected temperature is 18-22 degrees. The direction of movement in the clockwise direction (we are on the right shoulder). The change zone is 50 m from the shore.

The bicycle segment is on a flat asphalt road with dead rotations. Width of the road about 6.5 m for both directions, allowed draft within the same category. Direction of counter clockwise movement. The number of circles depends on the category.

The race segment begins and ends on a grassy surface, most of which run on a flat asphalt road. Direction of counter clockwise movement. The number of circles depends on the category.

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