Shock Koridor returns to the Youth Center of Belgrade!


After a long break, Shock Koridor returns to the Youth Center of Belgrade! The concept of the stands remains the same, and the two Aleksandar Radivojević and Nenad Bekvalac will try to cover all aspects of film shock. Each tribune will be a walk through visual samples-inserts from various cult, controversial, piquant and exotic, both feature and animated films, series or music videos that best show intense visual shock. The stands will be entertaining and educational, and the ultimate goal is to spread the horizon of tolerance in the viewer.

“We will visit the visitors through the dark side of visual arts where the existing rules of respect for the conventions are not applicable. Looking at the inserts chosen for you, you will see how many incredible ways of various foreign cinemas communicate freely with the audience while destroying all generally accepted norms and something that we call The taste of these tribunes is to prove to the local auditorium how crazy it is to entertain and what kind of craze it can achieve by watching this type of film. Through shock to art, because in the end, art does not exist and should not have boundaries, “said Radivojević and Bekvalac.

The first tribune this year is Shock KORIDOR VS FEST, February 18 from 20:30 in the hall of the American House of Youth of Belgrade.

Some of the topics that await you by the end of 2019 are:
EMIGRANTS SHOCK (Currently an actual topic that has been dealt with by many film authors)
DOCUMENTARY SHOCK (Something new is happening in the documentary world, it should be periodically displayed by the authors in this area)
SERIAL SHOCK (In the last few years, a lot of films have been produced that deal with serial killers from a new aspect and are focused on their beginnings and motivations)

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