Seven decades of German contemporary art
In the Museum of Contemporary Art, among 350 works, will be works by Joseph Boyse, Zigmar Polke, Gerhard Rihter..
From the newest to the oldest works in the span of seventy years – the audience at the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade is expecting an extensive selection of German artistic productions from the second half of the 20th century to the present day.
At the third, fourth and fifth level of the building on the Ušće, 350 works of as much as 23,000 are available which make up a rich collection of the Institute for International Relations in Culture (IFA), which works under the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany. Because, in this country, “culture is no longer viewed as the third pillar of foreign policy, with diplomacy, security policy and business, but is its cornerstone,” IFA explains.
It is interesting that the rich collection was compiled by numerous directors of this Institute and many of its curators, so they are in front of the observer and various directions: from realism and abstraction, through pop art and “Fluxus” to social photography … You will see the creativity of recognizable Joseph Boyse, Zigmars Polke, Gerhard Rihter, Klaus Rinke, Catherine Ziverding and others, the wider public of lesser known artists, as well as various media – painting, drawing, graphics, photographs and sculptures – viewed together as an integral whole, but also in various fruitful dialogue relations, sometimes in contrast.
Among other things, in the form of artistic confrontation between the authors of the former East and West Germany, the exhibition provides a new opportunity to look at four decades of parallel development of art in these two countries, since the Institute’s collection includes some of the works of the East German Center for Art Exhibitions (two institutions merged in 1991).