Serbia off the beaten path – Dojkinacka river


Dojkinacka river, the small but beautiful river, is located in Stara Planina mountain. The mountain itself is a part of the famous Balkan Mountain range. More importantly, it is a very unique nature reserve. In fact, it is shared by two countries – Serbia and Bulgaria. It is rich in hiking trails and beautiful sites such as bodies of water, springs, and waterfalls, with Dojkinacka river being just one of them. Luckily, urban development is sparse, and visitors can take their time and enjoy the pristine nature.

Credits to Milos Golubovic

Stara Planina – a nature reserve of great importance

If you are thinking about a perfect escape from the hectic and hot Belgrade – this is the place to go. In summer, the climate is mild and there are plenty of opportunities for hiking and other activities in nature. The reserve is very authentic as it is the site of one of the highest mountain peak in Serbia – Midžor (2,169 meters above sea level). In winter, a ski resort is open, and it even has an artificial snow-making system. Hence, the fun is guaranteed!

Dojkinacka river is just one of the natural sites which will soothe your senses. It is 26 km long and surprisingly fast, with many rapids. It has several waterfalls on it, the most famous being Tupavica. The river flows through the famous village of Dojkinci, which is the starting point for hiking on Stara Planina trails. The combination of water, stones, and trees is so relaxing and energizing at the same time. Its crystal clear water is the home for different animals, such as salamanders, frogs, and fish.


Of course, the entire area is rich in wildlife. Even wolves and bears live in the forests! Bird-watching is very popular here because over 200 species of birds live in the area. If you are lucky enough, you may even see the mighty golden eagle and peregrine falcon!

Besides environmental importance, the entire area carries a big cultural and historical significance, too. Church of Saint Peter and Paul in the village of Rsovci is unique in the world. It is built in a rock inside a cave, in the 13th century. It is famous for its fresco of a bald Jesus. That is truly a remarkable and unusual depiction of Jesus. The style of fresco belongs to medieval Orthodox Christian art.

Getting to Dojkinacka river

The reserve is 340 km south-east from Belgrade, and only 100 km east of Nis. The best way to arrive there is by car. You can combine your visit to the Dojkinacka river with one of our tours, or we can make a special tour just for you. Also, get inspired on the site of the Tourist Organization of Serbia. You will find plenty of recommendations. From nature to landmarks, Stara Planina has it all!

Unfortunately due to COVID epidemics, right now, we advise against all non-essential travels.  Once the situation resumes to normal, we will fully support all your travel plans. Until then, use your discretion when booking your vacation. Don’t forget that situation is changing every day. Stay safe!

Credits to Kiril Rusev

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