Guca 2018, just 2 hours From Belgrade is central festival of local madness!

Dragačev’s Trumpet Festival, also known as the Guča Festival, is a traditional festival event and a unique performance of trumpets held every year in the town of Guca, in Dragačevo, in the region of Western Serbia. Almost a million visitors from Serbia and abroad come to the town of two thousand inhabitants each August.

Thanks to the Guca Festival, it became known throughout the world as a place to hold the biggest festival of trumpet music around the globe, where other traditional values, such as traditional songs, games and costumes from the Dragačevo and Western Serbia region, are still obscured.

The sound of the trumpet in this part of Serbia is traditionally followed by every major event, from the celebration of birth, baptism, marriage, family glory, but it is also an integral part of the funerals whose sounds are being forgiven by this world.

Guca must be a tourist place for all seasons.
The house of trumpeters in Guca is equipped with the highest standards, even a conference room with about 60 seats. Each room, which has a maximum of six beds, is equipped with a bath.

Music in Serbia is very diverse for such a small territory, where three different directions of folk music dominate, one that is played in Western Serbia, where steady rhythms dominate in the form of slow songs for singing and fast cars – for the game, then the music of southern serbia that is based on specific odd rhythms in songs and games, and with pronounced emotional tones and the way musicians produce the same.

Also, there is a specific musical reflection of East Serbia, with its characteristics and features. For years, three regions have been distinguished as three known centers with well-known trumpets today.

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