These are the girls you can meet in Belgrade clubs


These are the girls you can meet in Belgrade clubs
Isolated, educated, mad … All the girls we see in Belgrade clubs, based on their behavior and styling, we divided into several groups ..

Released from the chain:
You will recognize them easily. They are mostly in the advanced stage of drunkenness (barely standing on their feet), their makeup is smoothed, the hair is broken, scarce are dressed … And they are almost always at some height in the club (bar, chair, table, podium, some shoulders …) they would attract attention.
Year of birth: Very Difficult to Evaluate!

It’s very hard to get around. These are the girls who are convinced that they are totally modern. We distinguish them from other girls in a very colorful way of dressing, and some animal print is a compulsory detail.

Fame girls
They are only here to make a photo shoot that will hang on tomorrow with the name or “WE ARE LOUDY… its craazyyy :)” or something like that … The most important thing for them is to get quality photos, to put it out and to social network, and to have good material to continue the life of internet star.
The photoshop was of course an absolute must.

Belgrade tough girls
These are mostly one of the same team of girls you see right in every club you visit. They are mostly important (to their Mom and Dad) and spend time in the club watching who is taking pictures of them, who they know, who has gotten with someone. They act (but only work) untouchable, they are mostly beautiful, if not, have a 1kg of makeup, so in the dark they look nice. They want to be talked about, to be famous, but it does not go hand in hand, so they are satisfied with fluttering in popular clubs to be seen.

Fine girls
They are in the least number, but the species is kinda extinct. They come with a friend, comrades, a society that is mostly cheerful. You can not see her drunken, she’s not interested in the guys in the club. If she is beautiful, they act uninteresting, cold and unachievable. If it is not, then she acts like a nerd.

Prey Birds
You can see them jumping from the separae to separae, sinking close to potential “sponsors”, hoping that someone will treat them with a drink. The premium is when you encounter some guys or foreigners who are in the “Give What You can Give” phase, so they are scratching for a couple of drinks and possibly transporting home … Because the real busines man rarely pay attention to them.

Ladies..for animation
A group of girls that we all call sponsor girls, because we live in ignorance…. These are mainly photo-models, models, daughter of the bourgeois class. They are rented and paid exclusively by the club. Drinking at the club is their job. They look very well, they are dressed in the latest fashion and seem to have jumped out of the magazine. For example, if five guys who are full of money take separae, and want a couple of beautiful girls to beautify the ambience, they are asking for it from managers, bosses or who they already know. They first meet these girls for the first time only when they arrive, and they have no right to demand any physical contact. Their task here is that when the guys (or gentlemen) ask them what they will drink, they must order a bottle (two, three …) of the most expensive drinks, so that the club earns the most.

Business escort
In every club there are such girls, you will never know who they are, unless you know them from the experience. They come, do their job (we all know what), and they also charge good for those services and go.

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