Belgrade nightlife


Nightlife is one of the things that Belgrade celebrated and perhaps leaves the strongest impression on visitors who are in the city for the first time. The reason for this is above all the spirit of the citizens of Belgrade and the positive atmosphere that makes you feel at home, among friends. In the evening, it comes out spontaneously, without much planning, at any time and regardless of the obligations you are waiting for the next day.

The coffee-bar’s working hours are up to 1am or 2am.. (those situated in residential buildings are limited until midnight), clubs until 4-5am in the morning.U can go out every day, and the best time and the greatest crowd do not depend on the day of the week, but on the occurrence of circumstances. Everyone can find the kind of entertainment that suits them (noting that all kinds of drugs and prostitution are forbidden), and they are very popular places with live music.

Favorite dances are salsa and Argentine tango. Depending on the type of entertainment you love, evening outing can begin at 8 pm (theater or dinner at the restaurant) or around 11 hours .. a drink in a café, then go crazy in a club, and remains until the time comes for the morning burek, to regain power along the first rays of the sun.

Belgrade nightlife

The entrance to most clubs is free, and those who charge the entrance fee do not exceed 5 euros. The necktie is not required anywhere, although in some places you will not be able to enter the sneakers or if you are younger than 21 years old. When a citizen hits a song, in the performance of miraculous energy, they climb on to the table to play, and the girls who have been overlooked for a while can jump on you. Belgrade clubs take a break from June to early October, and during this time the party moves to rivers and open spaces. The rafts are the specificity of Belgrade’s night life. There are a hundred, different shapes, capacities and music that are being heard. Due to the isolation from the residential areas, the duration of the stay is often up to dawn, if the guests are well-liked.

Interesting are some of the sightseeing ships that embark passengers, food and musicians at the beginning of the evening, and then cruise the rivers with fuel and good mood.

Hot mess club

Concerts of world music stars, guest performances of famous DJs and parties are held throughout the year in concert halls, and occasionally in some unusual ambiences. When entering some clubs, it is common for security to prepatch suspicious guys or to look at the bags of girls that are with them .. If you do not have a reservation for some of the most popular clubs you will have to wait in line for the entry ..

Reservation only provides you with a place to stand at one of the bar tables. If you want to sit with a company in a seater, the reservation will usually cost you a bottle of whiskey or expensive champagne, whether you drink it or not. In Belgrade clubs there are no long lines in front of the toilet for sniffing, the guests are mostly conservative and amplify the goodness of the alcohol. The incidents are very rare, it’s important that you do not look invariably in a strange girl or boy whatever they look like. If you hear: “What u lookin!?” It’s time to take a quick step. You will find the atmosphere of r’n’b or house music videos in clubs with “turbo folk” music – a local mix of mtv and Turkish musical hits in Serbian, performed by well dressed singers.

Contact us for the best Belgrade nightlife experience.

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