Belgrade adorns monuments identical to those in Zagreb, Sarajevo, Trebinje, and one is special ..
Monuments throughout Belgrade are reminding us of a great event or personality that has done great things for the capital city or for the whole country. Nevertheless, they are not all unique!
There are many copies of well-known world sculptures, but for some, however, we can proudly say that originals were plagued by others. Here are the monuments that exist in our country, and they are identical, or very similar, in other countries, and even on other continents.
An unusual monument has been adorned by elite parts of Belgrade and Zagreb for centuries, cities that have often renewed and broken links during history. At the beginning of the 20th century, sculptor Simeon Roksandić made a monument that marked his career. The sculpture “Ribar” represents a strong, athletic male figure in the battle with the snake, and it was intended for the big “Balkan exhibition”, organized in London.
Bascarsija in the bottom of Skadarlija
In addition to being famous for bohemian stories, entertainment, music, food and drink, Skadarlija is also recognizable by the fountain set on the very bottom of the street. It is a friendly gift that came from Sarajevo in 1989 as a kind of replica Sebilj fountain in Sarajevo’s Bascarsija.
Statue of Liberty in Nemanjina 11
On the list of New York tourist attractions, the Statue of Liberty (from 1886) occupies one of the main places, but probably many Belgraders did not know they did not have to go to New York to see this sculpture. Or at least very similar.
One such, though much smaller, can be seen on the building of the Serbian Government in Nemanjina 11, or simply fold into your pocket, because it is exactly embedded on new personal cards.
One fountain in three cities
According to the conceptual drawings from the 1980s, our famous architect Branislav Jovin predicted the installation of a fountain at the intersection of Cara Lazara Street, Vuk Karadzic and Gracanica. Nevertheless, since the work on the fountain did not occur immediately, 30 years later, the architect elaborated his ideas for fountains in Herceg Novi (2001) and Trebinje (2002).