Artan Lili is bringing the Spring back!


After the sold out New Year concerts in Belgrade, the country and the region, Artan Lili announce an exclusive club concert, a meter from the audience, to meet the spring of March 2, 2019 in the legendary Zemun club FEST!

“For a year we did not performed in FEST and we have a lot of reasons for the gig: we have finished the second album that we promote with the new single” Na musice “and we are glad that we continue to socialize with our audience with this kind of intimate, club performance,” said members of the popular Belgrade Four.

Belgrade’s noise-pop group Artan Lili has been in existence since 2013. The group consists of Bojan Slačala, Romana Slačala, Marko Ajković and Ivan Skopulović. They became famous for successive releases of their single-spots. Since then, their singles have won the first places of all relevant top charts in the country and region.

“Heart in the field always when it’s dense! WE SEE!” Artan Lili band members say, adding that you should not miss the opportunity for an intimate association with these party masters, what will happen on March 2, 2019 in the Zemun Fest club.

As a guest at the concert, a great SickTer trio will take place.

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