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Amazing stag organisation and experience



Full Holiday Schedule Bachelor Party In Belgrade

Hi to everybody on More Than Belgrade site, i want to share my experience from Stag party in Belgrade.

From the childhood it always comes to me to be organizer of everything and that’s also what happened when we needed to pick a city for perfect stag experience for my friend stag. I wanted something completely crazy didn’t want to stick with some mainstream city, you know what i mean, so Belgrade sounded just perfect. I started to collect activities offers, bookings etc all piece by piece and i found this magical man – Stevan , on internet on this same site. He offered me to create to me full holiday schedule, all transfers, apartment bookings, full day and night activities, all meals etc. and i got the offer beyond my imagination, after some fine-tuning with Stevan we quickly created perfect holiday offer. What happened in Belgrade i will keep as a secret sorry guys but me and most of my friends are married and i am so paranoic like she can investigate and put pieces together 🙂 But reason why i m writing here is to RECOMEND More Than Belgrade , try them and you will have a great time in Belgrade, there is no “NO” with them everything is possible. That’s it from me. Cheers !

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